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 Big Question    

Muhammad Ali was an incredible figure in multiple communities. He was inspiring for people who were receiving severe discrimination and struggling to find motivation with the shortage of resources and opportunities coming their way. His people would always have prejudice setting them back from the privileges that they were originally offered. Their dreams and goals were restricted by a white dominance. People who were not impacted by other’s comments or thoughts stood out. And Muhammad Ali was one of them. 

I started my research by looking into the basic information first, to give me a good base to refer to. I began looking for reliable websites to provide more unique and in-depth details about more advanced information. I had access to a few various sources, whether they were in words or video they were all worth the time. The documentary I watched gave an unprecedented view of the unfolding situations. Although I found that documentary it came after looking for places with different facts to learn about, as many of the sources repeated information that I was already aware about. I was then looking people who helped Muhammad to get to where he got. Those types of people were trainers, coaches, nutritionists, and family members who sacrificed their future to improve the quality of Ali’s boxing. 

 I knew as soon as I began my research Muhammad was a bold and willing figure who wanted to get his theories out to the public in order to go one step further to give black and white people equivalent rights. Although I found that documentary it came after looking for places with different facts to learn about, as many of the sources repeated information that I was already aware about. The information was limited as his prime was in an era in which they were not able to upload an article so everybody could see it, like you can in today's day. 

From the 21 years of dominance in the world of combat ‘The People’s Champion’ developed severe Parkinson’s Disease. He slowly lost the ability to do different things as the disease started to take over. But before things got too overwhelming, he had the opportunity of a lifetime. With the unfortunate scenario he was in, Muhammad decided it would be best for him to make the most of the situation he was in by creating charities and fundraisers to help develop the research that goes into the disease that he and many other people suffer. 

He was effective in changing the rights of the black people, because of his legendary boxing reputation. As an up-and-coming boxer, he took part in the 1960 Rome Olympics and came out the other end as the gold medalist. The medal did not last long however, because he threw it into a river in protest and frustration towards discrimination and racism.  

He was the youngest person to win a world heavyweight division world championship. He did so at the youthful age of 22 defeating Sonny Liston in a major upset. The was not the only time he won the championship belt either. Winning it in 1974 in the famous ‘Rumble in The Jungle’ battle. Then Ali was in a bout against Leon Spinks and in a conspiracy theory, he was thought to have purposely lost the fight, in preparation for his next battle. Then later that year Muhammad won in a 15-round unanimous decision clash. And after his 3rd world title Muhammad retired from the sport a champion. Only to make a return 2 years later, with dry success in that period. He was an influential character. Inspiring people to start boxing in the footsteps of Muhammad because they wanted his flashy moves, and unbelievable fitness, athletic ability, and stamina. People were motivated to get into fitness and sports, to try to become their sporting idols.  

After many years of his official retirement, he was handed the opportunity of a lifetime. Lighting the Olympic flame. In 1996, he was selected to take part in the opening ceremony by lighting the Olympic cauldron to begin the sporting event in Atlanta. 

He was so prominent in the black community that he became a United Nations Messenger of Peace for his demanding work for civil rights overseas. Then after 7 years in the United Nations industry, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest valued achievement a civilian can receive. 

Ali was a bold individual who was vocal during public occasions. He caught the attention of the reporters and journalists at these meets ups because of his vocalism, and because of that people begun to listen to what he was saying. Before he had confidence or a reputation, he was treated like any other black being. They were mostly ignored; however, he was not, because he was not afraid to speak up like many other people of his race were. That is why he was listened to and treated with a high amount of praise. Because people were in the same situation he was, and they were too scared to speak up about their problems. 

His profile was a powerful and influential one, giving people confidence in what they wanted to do, as many other people were in the same predicament. His opponents in the ring applauded his unbelievable talent and faithfulness, to training and giving people the rights and privileges, they deserve. He was extremely generous, by creating celebrity fights. And from there he would donate the earnings from the event to a charity he believed would be beneficial by it. 

I feel inspired like many of Ali’s fans to get into boxing, and follow the major fights going on. I am beginning to learn more about how his moves have evolved throughout time. He is motivating because I know the hard work he put in behind the scenes, and he wouldn’t brag or boast about how he was easily the best pound for pound fighter ever. People like me enjoy his boxing because of the way he carried himself in public occasions. That makes me want to behave, so I stand up for myself or others struggling. 

In conclusion, Muhammad Ali is known as the world's greatest boxer (up there with the greatest athlete) ever. He was not only an incredible talent; he was abnormally sacrificial and generous. He would provide some of hard earnt cash to foundations, make bold statements for people who couldn’t and be that leader for people in his scenarios. For these reasons, I am a firm believer, Muhammad Ali fits into the notable category for his courageous work for all of humanity. 

BIG Question

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