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When he was younger, a teenager stole his bike 

He approached a police officer and told him “I want to fight!” 


He became an ambassador for those fighting for black 

Then he decided not to join the army, and this was described as ‘whack’   

He was then penalised with a sentence to jail  

And he would not be able to escape as his cell was being nailed. 


He was a man who certainly did not stage 

And he often got paid the maximum wage 


He won 3 hard fought heavyweight titles 

In which his treacherous training was extremely vital 

During that training his diet would need restraint 

So, he would be able to cut down to the restricted weight 


Normally his character would give him the favour  

But it was a close one to call when he fought Joe Frazier 


He suffered from Parkinson’s, which is a cruel disease 

And unfortunately, due to the rigid situation, his life came to an unlucky cease. 

 He was known as the people’s champion  

 And his name was Muhammad Ali. 

Bio Riddle

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